Summer course offered by UDLA in order to complement your training in a specific area of a program that you are coursing.


Improve your resume

Improve your resume and receive the best options in the labor market.

Greater competitivity

Encourage you to have a better academic performance and become an excellent professional.

Professional Profile

Provide you with an additional alternative as a graduate or teacher, in order to improve your academic and professional profile.

Expand your knowledge

Expand your knowledge acquired during your program.

Discover new cultures

Learn about the culture of your host country, as you will be living with host families.

International Experience

Strengthen personal, professional, and sociocultural aspects by experiencing this international experience abroad.

How do I plan?

What does it include?

Pervious programs

Cursos de temáticas específicas. (foto Chile – Colombia)

Courses on specific topics. Courses on specific topics. Biotechnology Engineering | Federico Santa Maria Technical University – Valparaiso – Chile

Subject validation courses – Economy | Yale University – Yale Summer Session USA

Languages UDLA

INTERCAMBIO-Ingeniería Industrial

Specific topic courses – Industrial Engineering | Universidad Autónoma de Occidente – Cali – Colombia